Be a part of most elite & Prestigious segment of Grameenphone.

Now 01711 available series available with attractive allrounder Pack in a lucrative price of Tk.1499

SIM Price TK. 300
Pack Price 1199
Minutes 1800
Internet 60 GB
Validity 30 Days
Streaming access Chorki, Hoichoi, T Sports, SonyLIV, Lionsgate, Bioscope, iScreen streaming platform for 30 Days
Other Repurchase within the validity period and get a bonus of 80GB for 30 Days

Terms & Condition:

  1. This campaign is only valid for Grameenphone Prime customers
  2. To get 01711 series, customers must purchase 1199 taka combo pack from our GPC
  3. Any attempt at fraudulent, unethical, and illegal measures at any step of this offer will result in disqualification.
  4. GP reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.
  5. GP’s decisions regarding this offer and campaign are conclusive.